Child Labour in India


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Child Labour in India

child labour in India is the bigest obstacle to the development of the country. The purpose of writting an artical on child labour in India is to show how our future is being deprived of education.

Due to lack of information about the Important of education. parents encourage their children to work in extreme condition. In this topic we will learn. about child labour in India and steps should. be taken to stop child labour in India and all Other countries.

In this essay barn about Child on child labour in India. we will what is child labour, history of Labour m India. child labour facts and laves against child labour in India.       



The child labour is a serious blat on our efforts to prope- at India as a dynamic country on the move. According to 120 statistics. India has perhaps the largest child labour force in the world. which is around 16.5 million..

The child labour is a serious challenge for the perfect future of the children. Across world, child labour can be seen in a variety of Industries such as carpet making food services, clothing making mines, agriculture, selling Cigarettes on the streets and many other places. Children are also at risk of child trafficking which force them to do bad thing like sexual exploition and child pornography etc.

Definition Of Child labour

The child labour meaning is defined as Employment of the children in any Industry or occupation". It is mat the matter of money that the child is warking for wages or not. It is bad habit that deprive the child his childhood. Once the child start works. ng in Industry or any other occupation. he is deprived of education. This is biggest reson behind ond illiteracy in India.

Child labour in the World

According to the world wide child labour report 2017 by Internationl labour organization there were 246 million children working as a child labour.

The data is decreasing our the time due to the efforts taken by the government housever. there are million of children who are continue being exploited for cheap labour, expecially in India.

Child Labour in India

India has the largest number of child laboures in the world. children born in poor familes are being used. as domestic labour in cibles. The environment in which these children are working is the worst. the are often given work without any wages or sometimes even without food. There are many case of child labour where children are being physically and sexually abused.

According to the report, around go per cent of the children between the age of 16 and 17 are working in hazardous envisonment. India is a most populated country, It is touch to measure the exact number of child labour as it is hidden or not reparted.
According to the International labour Organization repor there are 18 million children (between 7-17 years old) in India who are neether employed not in school. These children are subject to child labour who are work- ing in the warst environment of child labour.

History of Child labour in India

The history of child labour in India can be traced bod to ancient time where the parents of the children used + do their ancestral work for the king. There children were forced to do the same things that their parents used to do far their king.
In cuncient time, the people where compelled to do same work which their ancestors used to do for the king. As a result children have to do the Same thing the king. As a result children have to do the same things whitout there free consento
The poverty and essence of good school forced to engage their children in business.

Child labour statistics in India

According to the repart on children labour in India as per 2011 census data. 10.1 million childrim working as a child labour. of which 4.5 million are girl and 5.6 million are boys. for simple understanding. one in ten children is doing child labour.

Children belong to the school, they are not for Wark

Minimum  age of labour in India Article 24 of the constitution of India sets the law for

the child labour that:

"No below the age of 14 years shall be employed On work in any company, mine employment." any other hazardous

The child under the age of 14 cannot be use as labour in any business. According to the article 21(A) of the constitution of India. the state has the due to provied free education to the child af age gix (6) to 14 years.

The children between the age and 16-17 are prohibited to do work in the clangerous conditions.

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