Rules for Foreign Universities ??


Foreign universities to be allowed to set up campuses in India: Report

While interacting with the media, the UGC chairman said that foreign universities setting up campuses in India will have freedom to devise their own admission process.
A view of University Grants Commission in New Delhi. File

In this Blog of the Rules and Regulation . Based on 'Rules for Foreign Universities'. Foreign universities will now be able to set up their campuses in India. The University Grants Commission has unveiled draft regulations for setting up and operation of campuses of foreign higher educational institutions in the country. 
Foreign institutions have to register with the UGC. They are required to establish their campuses in India within two years and become operational within 45 days of receiving the final approval from the commission. 

The initial approval will be valid for a period of 10 years. The foreign universities setting up campuses in India will have the freedom to devise their own admission process and decide on the fee structure.

However, they cannot offer online or distance learning programme. They have to offer only full-time programmes in physical mode. Several other measures have been undertaken by the UGC to safeguard the interests of students,


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