Meaning of Hindu Merriage // Hindu Law //


Hindu marriage is a sacred union between two people, symbolizing the coming together of two souls. It is a lifelong commitment, and is seen as a union of not just the couple, but of their families and communities as well.

The meaning of Hindu marriage can be summarized in the following four points:

* **Purushartha:** Hindu marriage is seen as one of the four goals of life, or purushartha. The other three goals are dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), and kama (pleasure). Marriage is seen as a way to achieve dharma and kama, and to create a stable and loving home for raising children.

* **Samskara:** Hindu marriage is a samskara, or sacrament. This means that it is seen as a sacred and transformative event, that marks a significant change in the lives of the couple.

* **Lokasangraha:** Hindu marriage is seen as a way to contribute to the well-being of society. By creating a stable and loving home, the couple is helping to create a better world for all.

* **Nirvana:** Hindu marriage is also seen as a way to achieve moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth. By living a life of dharma and kama, the couple can free themselves from the attachments that keep them bound to the world.

Hindu marriage is a complex and multifaceted institution, with a rich history and symbolism. It is a lifelong commitment that is seen as a sacred union between two people, their families, and their communities.

There are eight different forms of Hindu marriage recognized by the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, each with its own set of rituals and traditions. The most common forms of Hindu marriage are:

* **Brahma vivah:** This is considered to be the most sacred form of Hindu marriage. It is a marriage between two consenting adults who are of the same caste and have not been married before.

* **Daiva vivah:** This is a marriage that is arranged by the gods. It is often seen as a reward for good deeds in a past life.

* **Arsha vivah:** This is a marriage between a man and a woman who are of different castes. It is often seen as a way to promote social harmony.

* **Prajapatya vivah:** This is a marriage that is based on mutual respect and consent. It is seen as the most ideal form of Hindu marriage.

[Image of Prajapatya vivah Hindu marriage]

* **Asura vivah:** This is a marriage that is based on the exchange of gifts. It is often seen as a business transaction rather than a sacred union.

[Image of Asura vivah Hindu marriage]

* **Gandharva vivah:** This is a marriage that is based on love and passion. It is often seen as a reckless and impulsive union.

[Image of Gandharva vivah Hindu marriage]

* **Rakshasa vivah:** This is a marriage that is based on force or coercion. It is seen as a violation of the woman's rights.

[Image of Rakshasa vivah Hindu marriage]

* **Paishacha vivah:** This is a marriage that is based on deception or trickery. It is seen as the most undesirable form of Hindu marriage.

[Image of Paishacha vivah Hindu marriage]

The Hindu marriage ceremony is a beautiful and meaningful celebration of the union of two people. It is a time for the couple, their families, and their communities to come together and celebrate the start of a new chapter in their lives.

The ceremony typically includes the following elements:

* **Puja:** A prayer ceremony to the gods and goddesses, seeking their blessings for the marriage.

* **Kanyadaan:** The bride's father gives her away to the groom, symbolizing his consent to the marriage.

* **Saptapadi:** The couple takes seven steps together, symbolizing their commitment to each other.

* **Haldi:** The couple is smeared with turmeric paste, which is said to have purifying and auspicious properties.

* **Mehendi:** The bride's hands and feet are decorated with henna, which is another symbol of auspiciousness.

* **Sangeet:** A pre-wedding ceremony that is celebrated with music, dance, and feasting.

* **Bidaai:** The bride is bid farewell by her family and friends, as she leaves to start her new life with her husband.

The Hindu marriage ceremony is a beautiful and meaningful way to celebrate the union of two people. It is a time for the couple, their families, and their communities to come together and celebrate the start of a new chapter in their lives.

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