Nature of Hindu Merriage// Hindu Law //


 The nature of Hindu marriage has been a topic of debate for centuries. Traditionally, Hindu marriage is seen as a sacrament, a sacred union between a man and a woman that is blessed by the gods. It is a lifelong commitment that is not to be taken lightly.

                     Credit:- SUDHIR SACHDEVA 

However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend towards viewing Hindu marriage as a contract. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing influence of Western culture, the rise of individualism, and the declining importance of religion in people's lives.

The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 does not explicitly state whether Hindu marriage is a sacrament or a contract. However, the Act does provide for a number of grounds for divorce, which suggests that it does not view marriage as an unbreakable bond.

Ultimately, the nature of Hindu marriage is a matter of personal belief. Some Hindus believe that marriage is a sacred union that should be entered into only after careful consideration and planning. Others believe that marriage is a contract that can be terminated if it is no longer working.

Here are some of the key characteristics of the sacramental nature of Hindu marriage:

* It is a lifelong commitment.

* It is a religious union that is blessed by the gods.

* It is a social union that is sanctioned by the community.

* It is a spiritual union that is meant to help the couple achieve moksha (liberation).

Here are some of the key characteristics of the contractual nature of Hindu marriage:

* It is a legally binding agreement between two people.

* It can be terminated by either party under certain circumstances.

* It is based on the principles of mutual consent and free will.

* It is intended to provide for the welfare of the couple and their children.

The nature of Hindu marriage is a complex issue that is still being debated today. There is no single answer that will satisfy everyone. Ultimately, the decision of whether to view Hindu marriage as a sacrament or a contract is a personal one.

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